5 Reasons to Get Your Team Together for EOFY

We all know if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. End of Financial Year (EOFY) is one of those events that can really sneak up on you. To get you thinking we’ve put together the top 5 reasons to get your team together outside of the office norms for EOFY.


1. Create a shared, memorable experience

We live in the day and age where we all want more. Employers want more from their teams and employees want more from their workplace. Creating shared fun times gets the endorphins pumping, bridges the gap between hierarchy and reinforces a positive working culture.


2. Review goals

Never adjust the goals, only the action steps. Team activities followed by a check in on the goals keeps everyone on track to smash out your 2018.


3. Everyone needs a little healthy competition

Team based competition is proven to drive innovation, creative problem solving and productivity. Sound the buzzer and let the natural motivation to win take over.


4. Celebrate wins to date

Pavlovs dogs weren’t wrong. Positive reinforcement is the fastest way to increase behaviours. There is always time celebrate the wins.


5. Did you say competitive wine tasting?

Yep! You heard right. So, if none of the above tickle your fancy then you should get your team together for EOFY for no other reason than to battle in our game of wine.